
Links in table not rendered in markdowns

bhaveshvasandani opened this issue · 3 comments

doxybook version: v1.3.6

refid not translating into markdown link.

Doxygen xml:

<entry thead="no"><para>ECANCELED</para></entry><entry thead="no"><para>The caller is expected to retry the operation in a new transaction. See <ref refid="group__TXN_1WRITE_CONFLICT" kindref="member">write conflicts</ref>. </para></entry></row>

Doxybook markdown:
| ECANCELED | The caller is expected to retry the operation in a new transaction. See [write conflicts]. |

Hi @bhaveshvasandani

I can't reproduce the problem. Could you send me part of the C++ source code where the table is defined?

I have tried with the following table definition in the example source files:

## Table:

First Header  | Second Header | Third Header
------------- | ------------- | -------------
Content Cell  | Content Cell  | Content Cell with ref Engine::Audio::AudioBuffer
Content Cell  | Content Cell  | Content Cell [with link](

Doxygen produces the following xml:

<table rows="3" cols="3"><row>
<entry thead="yes"><para>First Header   </para>
</entry><entry thead="yes"><para>Second Header   </para>
</entry><entry thead="yes"><para>Third Header    </para>
<entry thead="no"><para>Content Cell   </para>
</entry><entry thead="no"><para>Content Cell   </para>
</entry><entry thead="no"><para>Content Cell with ref <ref refid="class_engine_1_1_audio_1_1_audio_buffer" kindref="compound">Engine::Audio::AudioBuffer</ref>    </para>
<entry thead="no"><para>Content Cell   </para>
</entry><entry thead="no"><para>Content Cell   </para>
</entry><entry thead="no"><para>Content Cell <ulink url="">with link</ulink>   </para>

And it is rendered as:

| First Header    | Second Header    | Third Header     |
|  -------- | -------- | -------- |
| Content Cell    | Content Cell    | Content Cell with ref [Engine::Audio::AudioBuffer](/doxybook2/hugo-book/classes/class_engine_1_1_audio_1_1_audio_buffer/) |
| Content Cell    | Content Cell    | Content Cell [with link]( |

It is a C code, hope this helps.

a.h ->

/** @typedef some_type
 * @brief Generic type
 * Some more comments
 * <table>
 *   <tr><th>errno</th><th>Caller action</th></tr>
 *   <tr><td>ECANCELED</td><td> The caller is expected to retry the operation in a
 *   new transaction. See @ref WRITE_CONFLICT "write conflicts".</td></tr>
 * </table>

b.h ->

 * /

Hi. I am sorry but I have decided to archive this repository. More details in the repo readme.