
--version won't print out in docker container

brycelelbach opened this issue · 1 comments

I'm running into an odd issue where --version doesn't print anything out when run in our thin docker container. Other flags that output diagnostics, like --help, don't seem to have this issue:

$ doxybook2 --version
$ docker run -it gpuci/cccl:cuda11.3.1-devel-ubuntu20.04-gcc9 doxybook2 --version
$ doxybook2 --help
Doxygen XML to Markdown (or JSON)
  Doxybook [OPTION...]

  -h, --help                    Shows this help message.
  -v, --version                 Shows the version.
  -q, --quiet                   Run in quiet mode, no stdout, display only
                                errors and warnings to stderr.
  -i, --input arg               Path to the generated Doxygen XML folder.
                                Must contain index.xml!
  -o, --output arg              Path to the target folder where to generate
                                markdown files.
  -j, --json                    Generate JSON only, no markdown, into the
                                output path. This will also generate
  -c, --config arg              Optional path to a config json file.
      --config-data arg         Optional json data to override config.
  -t, --templates arg           Optional path to a folder with templates.
      --generate-config arg     Generate config file given a path to the
                                destination json file
      --generate-templates arg  Generate template files given a path to a
                                target folder.
  -d, --debug-templates         Debug templates. This will create JSON for
                                each generated template.
      --summary-input arg       Path to the summary input file. This file
                                must contain "{{doxygen}}" string.
      --summary-output arg      Where to generate summary file. This file
                                will be created. Not a directory!
      --example                 Example usage:
                                    doxybook2 --generate-config
                                    doxybook2 -i ./doxygen/xml -o
                                ./docs/content -c doxybook.json

$ docker run -it gpuci/cccl:cuda11.3.1-devel-ubuntu20.04-gcc9 doxybook2 --help
Doxygen XML to Markdown (or JSON)
  Doxybook [OPTION...]

  -h, --help                    Shows this help message.
  -v, --version                 Shows the version.
  -q, --quiet                   Run in quiet mode, no stdout, display only
                                errors and warnings to stderr.
  -i, --input arg               Path to the generated Doxygen XML folder.
                                Must contain index.xml!
  -o, --output arg              Path to the target folder where to generate
                                markdown files.
  -j, --json                    Generate JSON only, no markdown, into the
                                output path. This will also generate
  -c, --config arg              Optional path to a config json file.
      --config-data arg         Optional json data to override config.
  -t, --templates arg           Optional path to a folder with templates.
      --generate-config arg     Generate config file given a path to the
                                destination json file
      --generate-templates arg  Generate template files given a path to a
                                target folder.
  -d, --debug-templates         Debug templates. This will create JSON for
                                each generated template.
      --summary-input arg       Path to the summary input file. This file
                                must contain "{{doxygen}}" string.
      --summary-output arg      Where to generate summary file. This file
                                will be created. Not a directory!
      --example                 Example usage:
                                    doxybook2 --generate-config
                                    doxybook2 -i ./doxygen/xml -o
                                ./docs/content -c doxybook.json

Hi. I am sorry but I have decided to archive this repository. More details in the repo readme.