This tool/script that can gather a lot of info without any defender alerts since it leverages the built-in windows ADModule. It is useful for Penetration testers, SOC Analysts or System administrators depends how they use it. Try it on a domain joined windows client or server with the internet connectivity.
Pentesters can use it for enumeration purposes, finding Kerberoastable, AsRepRoastable accounts if they've initial access to domain joined PC
SOC analyst or administrators can use since they're on defending side, to identify SPN associated service accounts, accounts with the property set "do not require Kerberos pre-authentication", to get a list of their windows servers (old/new) etc., again depends how they use it.
Example Use: .\ADInsight.ps1
Note: Running it first time, you may need to run below command for powershell execution policy bypass before you execute the scrip. Any suggesionts/queries related to its use, don't hesitate to ask me at
powershell -ep bypass