
Templates not building with anything but 'default' theme

timkelty opened this issue · 2 comments

I can't get options.theme to work...if I use anything but 'default', the gulp task finishes, but the guide is never generated (however in my gulp example, the task does complete).

I also never get the Successfully created style guide! message.

gulp.task('build:styleguide', function() {
  return gulp.src(src)
      name: config.pkg.title,
      dir: path.join(config.paths.dest, 'style'),
      file: 'index.html',
      theme: 'forest',

Ah, it appears the ejs.render is the issue.

Wrapping it in a try/catch logs this:

{ [ReferenceError: ejs:7
    5|         <title><%= projectName %></title>
    6|         <link href='' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'>
 >> 7|         <style><%- codeStyle %><%- tmplStyle %><%- rootStyle %><%- processedCSS %></style>
    8|     </head>
    9|     <body>
    10|         <header class="masthead">

rootStyle is not defined] path: undefined }

Ah, looks like 0.6.0 removed rootStyle, so it just needs to be removed from those themes.