
Tech Challenge [Soft Design]

Primary LanguageJava

Tech Challenge [Soft Design]

The application is divided in two modules: softdesign-interview-backend and softdesign-interview-frontend


This application has an API REST to:

  • Create, Edit and Remove Books
  • Rent Books
  • Search Books by name and author

Validations are applied to ensure that a rented Book will not be rented again, modified or deleted.

There are Unit Tests implemented for the controller and business layers.

The controller tests ensure that:

  • Serializaton/deserialization is working properly
  • Business services are being used correctly given correct and incorrect input


This is an Angular application that communicates with the backend REST API

Generating Backend artifact

cd application-dir/softdesign-interview-backend
mvn clean install

The artifact will be generated on target/soft-design.war

Running Backend

  • Run WildFly:
cd wildfly-installation-dir
  • Deploy application:
cd application-dir/softdesign-interview-backend
mvn clean install wildfly:deploy

Running Frontend

cd application-dir/softdesign-interview-frontend
ng serve --open

SQL Challenge

The output for the SQL challenge can be located on ./softdesign-interview-backend/src/main/resources/sql-challenge.sql.