prepared statement not working when in operator in statement with conjunction with Seq[String]
shachr opened this issue · 2 comments
shachr commented
prepared statement not working when in operator in statement with conjunction with Seq[String],
def getDemand(advertizerId: String, demandIds: Seq[String]): Future[Array[QueryResult]] = {
val args = List(advertizerId, value)
val query: String = s"""SELECT "demand_id"
|from demand where "partner_id"=? and "demand_id" in (?);""".stripMargin
connection.sendPreparedStatement(query, args)
demand_id is a string field (character varying(32))
pg sql logs:
2017-08-01 16:23:35 IDT LOG: execute 1/1: SELECT "demand_id" from demand where "partner_id"=$1 and "demand_id" in ($2);
2017-08-01 16:23:35 IDT DETAIL: parameters: $1 = 'ea47ef7e8b4c4847894004198e7b9e56', $2 = '{"565f776a61db4ccdab36946116699622"}'
I couldn't figure out what todo, i tried to serialize to comma separated list myself but this didn't work as well, directly on the db its working obviously.
liorhar commented
bumped into the same problem, SELECT * FROM bar WHERE column IN (?)
with a parameter in the form of list/seq doesn't work. any workaround?