
integration with ArgParse

CarloLucibello opened this issue · 3 comments

this is a feature request for the integration of Params and It would be nice to be able to define an ArgParse table from a @with_kw struct. My macro-fu is next to zero, but I think most of the machinery needed is already part of @with_kw, this is why I'm opening the issue here.

With this feature, it would be very easy to create julia code that can be either be included or used as a script. This is the kind of interface I have in mind:

using Parameters, ArgParse

@with_kw struct Params
   b::String = 2         
   c::Bool = true       # comments could become helpstrings.

main(; kws...) = main(Params(; kws...))    # just keywords convenience interface

function main(prms::Params)

if abspath(PROGRAM_FILE) == @__FILE__ 
    # executing as a script: julia myfile.jl
    s = ArgParseSettings()
    @add_arg_table! s Params
    prms = parse_args(ARGS, s)    # return a Params object

@mauro3 do you think this is feasible / worth having?
pinging also @carlobaldassi

I second this thought. It'd be great to have such interface

This interests me also. I' m looking for something like python' s Hydra that provides composable model parameter configurations.

I fourth this!
This would be very useful.