
Automatically infer type based on default

mauro3 opened this issue · 3 comments

Something like this could be useful:

@with_kw struct A
  a::typeof = 1:0.4:7

instead of a::StepRangeLen{Float64,Base.TwicePrecision{Float64},Base.TwicePrecision{Float64}} or a::typeof(1:0.4:7).

Could be added to @deftype as well

@with_kw struct A @deftype_typeof
  a = 1:0.4:7
  b = 7.0
  c = "a"

Yes, please! Any idea how much time this would take? I have a use-case where I would have to duplicate the type information in both the field type and the value, so I would really like to have this feature to avoid this :)

If it's doable in a few hours, I don't mind taking a crack at it.

Hi Brian! Thanks for the offer of help. Whilst I tried to look up where to make the changes, I just ended up doing the change myself, see PR #138. However, that PR still needs testing, tests and docs. If you could provide those, that certainly would help.

Hi @mauro3 sure, I'll take a look this weekend.