
not recording properly because of switching from foreground to background and vice versa?

sanjaygir opened this issue · 1 comments

The points are not being recorded properly in ios i.e iphone. I have put the issue in detail here

Your Environment

  • Plugin version: Any
  • Platform: iOS
  • OS version: 13.6.1
  • Device manufacturer and model: iPhone Manufacturer: Apple Computer, Inc.
  • Running in Simulator:
  • Cordova version (cordova -v):
  • Cordova platform version (cordova platform ls):
  • Plugin configuration options:

locationProvider: BackgroundGeolocationLocationProvider.RAW_PROVIDER,
desiredAccuracy: 0,
stationaryRadius: 1, // only affects DIS provider
debug: false,
distanceFilter: 1,
interval: 1000,
fastestInterval: 1000,
notificationsEnabled: true, // Android only
startForeground: true,
notificationTitle: 'Race Tracking',
notificationText: 'enabled',
activitiesInterval: 1000,
stopOnStillActivity: true,
activityType: 'Fitness',
pauseLocationUpdates: false, // iOS only
saveBatteryOnBackground: false, // iOS only
maxLocations: 20000

  • Link to your project:


issue is posted in detail here

Expected Behavior

points should be recorded throughout the run

Actual Behavior

points missing in middle

Possible Fix

Steps to Reproduce


Debug logs

I am facing same issue. Please update this plugin for latest iOS version or give some solution.