
IOS background not working

mruta2020 opened this issue · 1 comments

Your Environment

  • Plugin version: 3.1.0 from package.json
  • Platform: iOS
  • OS version: 14.3
  • Device manufacturer and model: IPhone 11
  • Cordova version : 10.0.0
  • Cordova platform version: 6.1.1
  • Plugin configuration options:
    const config: BackgroundGeolocationConfig = {
    desiredAccuracy: 10,
    stationaryRadius: 20,
    saveBatteryOnBackground: false,
    distanceFilter: 1000,
    interval: 1000,
    debug: false, // enable this hear sounds for background-geolocation life-cycle.
    stopOnTerminate: false // enable this to clear background location settings when the app terminates
  • Link to your project:


When the device is put in the background, the location is no longer retrieved. There appears to be a problem with the location permissions. I also tried to give the Always permission but when I put the app in the background it still doesn't give the position, among other things, the blue label no longer appears.

Expected Behavior

I expect the blue label to appear when the app goes in the background to indicate that it is performing background operations. And that my server gets location updates.

Actual Behavior

That background tasks run

Possible Fix

It could be an ios permission management to the location because ios seems to ask you first if you want to use location only when in use. Subsequently after a few minutes it always asks you for permission. But still by giving permission, or from settings, by closing and reopening the app. Nothing, the background doesn't start anymore.

Steps to Reproduce

  1. first I do the configure of the plugin
  2. then I register the listeners in the then function of configure
  3. I put the app in the background

Hi @mruta2020,
Did you solve this issue ?? Because I am have same issue in iOS, also android 10 background geolocation not working this plugin did you find any solution Shere here ,

Thanks in advance