
Deserializing failes with header wichi has underscore for its name

kimsama opened this issue · 2 comments

Recently, I've cloned GDataDB from github and import it to Unity3D which is based on Mono.

It works fine except one.

The problem is that a property which has '_' for its name didn't work properly as it is expected.

See the following as an example:

public class MissionData
public int id { get; set; }
public string key { get; set; }
public string screen_name { get; set; }
public string enemy_keys { get; set; }
public int cost_energy { get; set; }
public int rewardxp { get; set; }
public int reward_money { get; set; }
public string reward_package_key { get; set; }

The class MissionData has several properties which has '_' for its name as 'screen_name'.

Then tried to retrieved data from the google spreadsheet as the sample code:

var client = new DatabaseClient(username, password);
var db = client.GetDatabase(testSheetName);
var table = db.GetTable(tableName);
var all = table.FindAll();

The value of the properties 'id' and 'key' are collect what it's value on the spreadsheet but 'screen_name' has nothing.

So I removed all '_' from properties name and then it works.

The problem was that Serializer.Deserialize(in Serializer.cs) does not retrieve correct property if the property has underscore within its name.

Is that known issue or any way to fix that problem?

After hanging on googling, found the below:!searchin/google-spreadsheets-api/underscore/google-spreadsheets-api/kwPoMl_V0SM/F9w0t16zV-AJ

It seems to be that there are some header naming rules but not clear what exactly it is.

Yes, it seems to be an issue with the gdata API. I found:

It seems that switching from list feed to cell feed works around this problem. This would require some non-trivial refactorings in GDataDB.