
login-cookie no longer seems to work (logs in for a minute then logs out)

Opened this issue · 2 comments

jejb commented

I recently got logged out of my google chat account and tried to re-establish the login again, but it works for a few minutes and then logs out again. This is a copy of the most recent chat:

Google Chat bridge bot
Connected to Google Chat
Successfully logged in as Jej B <> (106426395028955095070)

Google Chat bridge bot
Logged out from Google account

The timestamps on the two messages are 10:08 and 10:15 so it stayed logged in for all of 7 minutes.

I think this means google has done an update to the authentication mechanism googlechat doesn't have

Did you close the private browser window after logging in (and preferably before or immediately after logging into the bridge)?

jejb commented

Yes, I did. I just tried it again with a private browser window, this time being very careful to ensure I didn't have any others open and the same thing happened. However, when I tried it and then killed the entire browser it didn't log me out (well 40 minutes and counting) so google may have found a way to get the browser to help with eliminating the refresh token.