Serial Connection to Jetson Xavier
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dimikout3 commented
I am trying to connect via serial (ttyUSB0) from pixhawk to a jetson xavier. I have installed mavsdk-python via pip3 and I am trying to execute examples/ With the only difference that
await drone.connect(system_address="udp://:14545")
has been changed to
await drone.connect(system_address="serial:///dev/ttyUSB0")
However I am getting the following error
This installation does not provide an embedded 'mavsdk_server' binary.
If you installed using pip, this means that 'mavsdk_server' is not distributed
for your platform yet (e.g. arm).
You will need to get and run the 'mavsdk_server' binary manually:
1. Download 'mavsdk_server' from:
or build it from source.
2. Run it, e.g. on port 50051:
'./mavsdk_server -p 50051'
3. Set the 'mavsdk_server_address' and port when creating the System:
'drone = System(mavsdk_server_address='localhost', port=50051)'
Any ideas why this is happening ?
P.S I have checked that the FTDI is connected to ttyUSB0. I have enabled the mavlink connection (MAV_1_CONFIG = TELEM 2). I am using a HITL approach via AirSim (Although I believe that this is not relevant)