
Gimbal, Follow Me missing in API Overview

shakthi-prashanth-m opened this issue · 7 comments

Hi @hamishwillee we need to update API Overview by adding Gimbal & Follow Me plugins to the list.


@shakthi-prashanth-m Hmmm. The overview you're pointing me to is the README for dronecore/dronecore (not the docs). We don't support gimbal or followme in a release yet (only in develop).

I will fix up the docs develop readme, but I don't think we should update the official readme until those appear in a release/are in master.

OK, so docs "develop" readme already had Gimbal. I added Follow me: #83

I will close this. Feel free to open another in /dronecore repo for tracking that readme update - once we make a release

OK. Thanks.
Both FollowMe & Gimbal are in master.
However, I agree that Follow Me example and other improvements are not yet merged.

Ah, in that case you're right - sorry! Reopening. No point you having to create another issue. Will sort out tomorrow