Convert to real stream
piranna opened this issue · 4 comments
The doc says
Since concat-stream is not itself a stream it does not emit errors
Making concat-stream
would make it trivial to get the errors down from the pipeline. It could emit a data
event when it's ready.
Using the builtin .pipe
doesn't propagate error
events, so you would still need to either handle .on('error'
yourself in the downstream streams or use something like require('pump')
that does it for you.
My personal philosophy of streams is that they should be used for streaming efficient pieces of data, so I'm 👎 on a stream that uses the data
event to emit a huge concatenated buffer.
Maybe a good module idea would be to combine pump
and concat-stream
into a module that had an API like this:
var pumpcat = require('pumpcat')
pumpcat(readableStream, throughStream, function done (err, data) {
// err is from `pump`
// `data` is from concat-stream
Using the builtin .pipe doesn't propagate error events, so you would still need to either handle .on('error' yourself in the downstream streams or use something like require('pump') that does it for you.
Oh, I believed errors where propagated over all the pipeline, so it was only needed to listed to them on the last element. Is not this the case? :-(
My personal philosophy of streams is that they should be used for streaming efficient pieces of data, so I'm 👎 on a stream that uses the data event to emit a huge concatenated buffer.
This point has some perspectives, and they are not incompatible :-) I find myself acceptable to emit a single big data
event when dealing with pure-stream app architectures. Another valid style would be to return a Promise instead of using a callback, and I think both three would be allowed to be used at the same time, just apply the callback on the promise and dispatch this last one on the single data
event :-)
Maybe a good module idea would be to combine pump and concat-stream into a module that had an API like this:
var pumpcat = require('pumpcat')
pumpcat(readableStream, throughStream, function done (err, data) {
// err is frompump
is from concat-stream
I'm not too much into thought
module (I like to use directly the stream API), but yes, I like the module API you've proposed :-)
Oh, I believed errors where propagated over all the pipeline, so it was only needed to listed to them on the last element. Is not this the case? :-(
yes unfortunately you have to handle errors on each stream in the pipeline yourself. however if you use something like pump
it implements error propagation for you so you can handle it with a single callback
@maxogden hm, i had to do pump + bl quite a few times, and also bumped into this thread. here it is -