
interferes with lazygit navigation

Closed this issue · 7 comments

not sure which update made the specific change but, navigation in lazygit is very hard due to the j key getting escaped for every two presses. (there is no concept of normal mode there i guess).
a reliable solution would be great
will open a similar issue ticket in lazygit repository as well.

well that's because since the rewrite you can also map things in terminal mode and there were defaults added
so you can just disable the terminal mappings if they are a problem for you

well that's because since the rewrite you can also map things in terminal mode and there were defaults added so you can just disable the terminal mappings if they are a problem for you

    event = "InsertEnter",
    -- lazy = false,
    config = function()
      require("better_escape").setup {
        default_mappings = false,
        mappings = {
          i = {
            j = {
              k = "<Esc>",
              j = "<Esc>",
          c = {
            j = {
              k = "<Esc>",
              j = "<Esc>",
          v = {
            j = {
              k = "<Esc>",
          s = {
            j = {
              k = "<Esc>",

@max397574 i'm using the above configuration and the issue is still there. am i doing something wrong

alright the issue is gone after i update the plugin with lazygit, thankyou for your time.

glad I could help
hint: when enabling default mappings and setting the terminal ones (or just jj) to false the config will be way simpler

This worked for me

    event = "InsertEnter",
    config = function()
        default_mappings = true,
        mappings = {
          t = { false },

t = {false}, didn't work for me for some reason, i settled on this config

  event = "InsertEnter",
  config = function()
    require("better_escape").setup {
      mappings = {
        t = { j = { false } }, --lazygit navigation fix
        v = { j = { k = false } }, -- visual select fix

t = { false } actually also wasn't intended to work
may also break in the future