
the javadoc artifact not found on jcenter

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Getting error

Artifact acme.groovy:acmetemplate does not exist


however the artifact is present on jcenter:

It looks like maven-metadata.xml doesn't contain any version like 20200328, which is not expected according to apache doc

I am not sure if this is project specific or down to groovy though?

i used javadoc this time as a base gradle task.
i'm not actually managing this file when publishing artifacts...
the project and this file is managed by
going to check if i could update it with bintray api
in any case it's better to provide the detailed error message what exactly is missing..

truthfully, with maven/gradle/ivy you could download this dependency without maven-metadata.xml file, so maybe if version defined correctly you don't really need it?

It has always been the case for other libraries that maven-metadata.xml lists out all available versions.

That's why I am really curious how is this time different. Please keep me updated if you have any findings with bintray.

Got reply from jfrog:

With regards to your query on the problem with updating the maven-metadata.xml file, the version format you are using does not fit the maven comparator system and when the meta-data index calculation job runs in the background looks for versions that begin with 8 digits (most likely timestamps) and filters out. In your case, the version number is named “20180723” which results in the meta-data calculation failing.

In order to avoid this, please follow the below link on naming the version according to the maven naming convention:

So, I'm going to change versioning approach...

And please add some details to error message.


the problem that 8 digits in a row in version considered as a nightly build by bintray.
changed version format and now everything works fine

thanks for the follow ups.

I do agree the error message need to be improved though. (both and bintry!)