Empty/inaccessible `SecretAgent/Data` directory
djc opened this issue · 7 comments
I started looking at setting up git commit signing yesterday per the instructions in #441. However, when I look at my ~/Library/Containers/com.maxgoedjen.Secretive.SecretAgent
dir using ls -l
I get an error:
djc-2021 com.maxgoedjen.Secretive.SecretAgent $ ls -l
total 0
drwx------@ 14 djc staff 448 Oct 6 10:00 Data
djc-2021 com.maxgoedjen.Secretive.SecretAgent $ cd Data
djc-2021 Data $ sudo ls -al
total 0
ls: .: Operation not permitted
I've already tried killing the Secretive processes, but this doesn't appear to help. Adding a new key also doesn't seem to change anything.
What version are you using? I fixed something that sounds similar to this in the last update.
I have "Version 2.3.1 (1.5638740552)".
The reason for the ls: .: Operation not permitted
is that Terminal.app (and in effect, zsh and the ls child processes) does not have access to read files of other applications. You've probably denied that permission in the past. You can reverse/change this in the system settings.
@torarnv thanks for the feedback, that seems to work! I wonder if there's way I can avoid granting permission to all of VS Code and still use this with git in VS Code's Terminal tabs...
A solution like outlined in #499 (comment) would help with that.
I think we would also need to write the socket.ssh
value somewhere else, probably, to make that feasible? Presumably the git process would need access to the inode referred to by the socket.ssh
name in SecretAgent/Data