
Must be name 'acme' (lowercase)

strarsis opened this issue · 2 comments

The provisioner name for ACME must be in lowercase acme, otherwise step CA will not find the provisioner (certbot uses the lowercase variant).

    - name: Add ACME provisioner
        name: acme
        type: ACME
      become: yes
      become_user: "{{ step_ca_user }}"

Currently this is not the case in the prepare.yml file:

It may also be a good idea to add this to the README as an example for adding the ACME provisioner.

To be clear, this is an issue with certbot specifically, right? I just tested an uppercase provisioner with step-cli and had no issues whatsoever. The molecule test you linked is working as well., Could you perhaps provide a log or an existing issue that references this issue in certbot?

If that's the case, then I don't think this is an issue with this collection specifically, but rather a problem with certbot. I'd be okay with adding a note the the step_ca_provisioner module, but I'd like to have some issue/note that I can reference.