
step-cli executable naming

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Upstream just changed the name of the step-cli executable from step to step-cli in the .deb package to prevent issues with the pre-existing step package on Debian-based systems. However, they have not changed the name for any of the .tar.gz archives

This leaves us with three options:

  • use step everywhere. this would involve renaming the execrable from the deb package or just using the RedHat install backend everywhere.
  • Account for both and use the different executable names on the respective distros.
  • Use step-cli everywhere by renaming the executable from the RedHat package and using the deb files for Debian hosts

Option 1 is out as it reintroduces the potential naming conflict. Option 2 would be neat, but also means more complexity for the roles (and especially modules, as we could need to have some autodetection for step-cli and step, but not the external step command. My choice therefore is Option 3, as it is easy to implement in the roles and modules (just provide a default value for the step_cli_executable but allow the user to override it).

Fixed in d2e8126