
Script junk

Closed this issue · 4 comments

; Dishonest Dezorian
; コノムラハ ソピァト イイマス.
; The neighboring villagers are all liars. Be careful.
; [1E7]
The neighboring villagers lie. Really!

In v1.02 it says "Those guys in the other village are all liars. For real." In the beta is it messed up.

The other one is the old man at the top right in "Palma - Passageway To Abion Island"

; Villager (in the cave next to Bortevo)
; [10A]
; アビオンノ ムラニ ポリメテラ-ル
; The drug store in Abion sells Polymeteral, I hear.
The drug store in Avion Village sells Polymeteral.

What he says in 1.02 "I've heard they sell a chemical called Polymeteral in Avion village." Also currently messed up.


The drug store in Avion Village sells Polymeteral

This one was fixed by be8660d