
Luveno doesn't recognize Hapsby in inventory

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Hey guys, I don't know if this is the right place to report this bug. I'm using the translation I found on SMS Power and am stuck at the part where Luveno is supposed to offer to build me the ship. I was able to pick up Hapsby in Bortevo but when I head back to Gothic to chat with Luveno, he still says "Finally. What took you so long? First, I need you to fetch my assistant." etc. But I obviously have Hapsby in my inventory already.

I can supply OpenEmu save state if needed.

Also, I used the fly spell (i.e. "Troop") to get back to Gothic once I obtained Hapsby. I can try walking back to see if that makes any difference.

@allenu Hapsby is the pilot, not the assistant. The assistant is a human being. He can be found on the passageway between Gothic and the Spaceport (the one with the blue walls). Take the first turn you see, he'll be there.

Oh wow, thanks for correcting me! I'm going to try this and then close out this issue.