
Sorry opening case to get help

ciscohack opened this issue ยท 13 comments

Hello Expert,

I want to set up LS_COLOR I tried but the colors not coming correctly. if you don't mind may I have your script to put in my mac and zsh4humans config... would you please share this with me. Thanks


Hello, no worries, the script comes from here:

Check its readme for details, but in short, on Arch the package simply does this to create the file that can be sourced

dircolors -b LS_COLORS > /usr/share/LS_COLORS/

@maximbaz you are awesome ... just looked at it.. but this color is everything. Have you modified it to some dir/file-level or using it as it is. if modified please do share your version... i love your customizations

Not modified anything, I quite like the standard color scheme ๐Ÿ™‚ I do use exa, so for me the output looks like so - same for you?



Lines 12 to 15 in 61a40e1

command -v exa &> /dev/null && alias ls='exa --group --git --group-directories-first' || alias ls='ls --color=auto --group-directories-first -h'
command -v exa &> /dev/null && alias la='ll -a' || alias la='ll -A'
command -v exa &> /dev/null && alias lk='ll -s=size' || alias lk='ll -r --sort=size'
command -v exa &> /dev/null && alias lm='ll -s=modified' || alias lm='ll -r --sort=time'

@maximbaz yes I also use exa output kind of same... I tried this command dircolors -b LS_COLORS > /usr/share/LS_COLORS/ not working as LS_COLORS folder is not in the path and macOS not allowing to create it... and latest macOS ".local/ " path also have bin path removed. I was trying for xdg-open app. we can manually create folder and put xdg-open file ..will it work ?

You don't have to use /usr/share/.., it's just a convenient place on Linux, drop the file in any other location, even in $HOME if you like ๐Ÿ˜‰

@maximbaz got it. Thanks once again

Will close but if you get any other question, don't hesitate to ask, here or in a new issue!

@maximbaz Thank you so much, my friend.

@maximbaz My dear friend sorry for bothering you but I think only you help me with this.. is there a better way to connect with you for some basic queries.

Okay as I know you are pro and champion in all sorts of shell scripting and zsh type or prompts. Today while doing some work I found this new prompt style most of the theme style looks awesome and are very clean

I know you mostly help powerlvel10k and spaceship team in development and powerlevel10k is very flexible to do so. I tried but was not able to make it. can you help me to make some prompt style?

check the link in that you will find the below-mentioned prompts. is it possible if not then leave it brother thanks


Hey, don't worry this channel is good, also maybe other people will chip in with help ๐Ÿ˜‰ I've not seen that prompt before, so I might be very limited in how much I can really help, I'd suggest explaining in as much details as possible what you tried and what is the issue you are facing, and maybe there's something I might be able to spot? I won't be able to try a new theme myself, unfortunately, lately I didn't have much opportunity to spend time for these fun projects....

Hi @ciscohack
I saw a post on Reddit with similar content. Also the author, romkatv, advises
Sorry if the posters are the same.

Forgive me to convey another matter here. @maximbaz
It seems that libinput-gestures is unable to resolve the dependency in the maximbaz repo.
I think the solution is to download PKGBUILD from aur and build it yourself first and repo-add it.

error: failed to prepare transaction (could not satisfy dependancies)
:: unable to satisfy dependancy dependancy 'libinput-gestures' required by maximbaz

Hey, don't worry this channel is good, also maybe other people will chip in with help ๐Ÿ˜‰ I've not seen that prompt before, so I might be very limited in how much I can really help, I'd suggest explaining in as much details as possible what you tried and what is the issue you are facing, and maybe there's something I might be able to spot? I won't be able to try a new theme myself, unfortunately, lately I didn't have much opportunity to spend time for these fun projects....

Thanks for the response I just tried classic with rounded but powerlevel10 has huge config set not well versed which section will transform .. anyway I understand your point and no issue thanks a lot once again

Hi @ciscohack I saw a post on Reddit with similar content. Also the author, romkatv, advises Sorry if the posters are the same.

Forgive me to convey another matter here. @maximbaz It seems that libinput-gestures is unable to resolve the dependency in the maximbaz repo. I think the solution is to download PKGBUILD from aur and build it yourself first and repo-add it.

error: failed to prepare transaction (could not satisfy dependancies)
:: unable to satisfy dependancy dependancy 'libinput-gestures' required by maximbaz

Thanks my friend I will take a look