
Creating the contract and minting a token

flow project start-emulator

flow project deploy

flow keys generate

flow transactions send --code ./transactions/MintPinataParty.cdc --signer emulator-account

flow scripts execute --code ./scripts/CheckTokenMetadata.cdc

Creating an app to view NFTs created through this contract

Creating a marketplace to transfer NFTs to others while also transferring the NFT's underlying assets on IPFS

flow transactions send --code ./transactions/LinkPinnie.cdc

flow transactions send --code ./transactions/MintPinnie.cdc --signer emulator-account

flow scripts execute --code ./scripts/CheckPinnieBalance.cdc

To make sure to mint some and deposit them into a fresh account for someone else

flow keys generate

flow accounts create --key

flow transactions status

flow transactions send --code ./transactions/ListTokenForSale.cdc

flow transactions send --code ./transactions/CreateEmptyPinnieVault.cdc --signer second-account

flow transactions send --code ./transactions/LinkPinnie.cdc --signer second-account

flow transactions send --code ./transactions/TransferPinnieToken.cdc --signer emulator-account