
NFT mint and buy, Solidity and smart contract, Transaction by Web3, Access to wallets and notification by blocknative

Primary LanguageJavaScript

NFT Flow on Ethereum blockchain

I am designing a decentralized marketplace which can be further extended to meet specific requirements.

This is a marketplace that runs on the blockchain. It allows individuals to list "NFTs" for sale and to purchase them on the website with Ethereum in the Ropsten network. This application is powered by a smart contract on the blockchain which manages the market place. For example it tracks who owns the "NFT" for sale, and it automatically transfers the ownership of it when a transaction is complete.


  • Mint custom ERC721 implemented NFT.
  • Buy token on the marketplace.
  • Keeps track of all the tokens owned by an account - minted and bought.
  • Query blockchain for token owner and token metadata.

Languages and Tools

  • Solidity for Smart contract.

  • Truffle to compile, test and deploy contracts.

  • Ganache, a personal Ethereum blockchain made it easy for us to observe the process and transactions during testing.

  • web3.js to interact with a local or remote ethereum node using HTTP, IPC or websocket.

  • blocknative makes it easy to access wallets and work with every other aspects of Web3.

  • Metamask, crypto wallet allows to store and transact Ethereum or any other ERC tokens.

Interact with the deployed DApp

Connect metamask browser wallet to Ropsten Test Network.

Request and get test etheres for the metamask account from Ropsten Faucet to make transactions.

Marketplace Smart Contract is deployed to Ropsten Testnet - 0x9ae7B1d535e82AF09b75E9ADDEBA7239B52498E4

Run the DApp Locally

Install truffle

yarn install -g truffle

Install ganache-cli

yarn add ganache-cli

Run ganache-cli

ganache-cli --port 7545 --quiet

Install dependencies

yarn install

Compile smart contract

truffle compile

Deploy smart contract to ganache

truffle migrate

Test smart contract

truffle test

Start DApp

yarn run start

Open metamask browser wallet and connect network to Localhost 7545.

Import accounts from ganache-cli into the metamask browser wallet to make transactions on the DApp.
