
an extra option with the waves ... 0 to 1.... or -1 to 1

loatus opened this issue · 3 comments

I am enjoying your app a lot. I would quite like an option with the wave types where I could select a zero to 1 range at a click so that I wouldn't have to add and divide to achieve the same thing. I realize that part of your intentions may be about keeping the user interface as simple as possible encouraging creative solutions to such things. I do find myself repeating this process enough that I think it would be of value and help to lay down ideas more easily. Thanks for the great software :)

Hi Daniel. Very happy to hear you're enjoying the app :)

Currently if you double-click on the sine node, you can set minVal and maxVal parameters. Would adding that to the other oscillator types (Tri, Pulse, Saw) satisfy your use case, or were you thinking something else?

It's done, added minVal/maxVal parameters to all oscillator types :)