
Properties being appended with letter A

PurpleDonkey858 opened this issue · 5 comments

This is a really excellent piece of work.

I'm having some trouble with the properties in both the .csv and .xlsx. No matter what I put in (even tried with escape characters) it appends the letter A to the trait description. For example:

[["Dog", "Male"], ["Cat", "Female"]]

Shows up as:

I ensured the text encoding was UTF-8 as the Python script expects.

Any ideas?

it's also the same with just
[["Dog", "Male"]]

Are you running MacOS or Linux? The problem is with the clear_text() method. It sends a Ctrl+A or Command+A to delete the default text, so it may not work on other platforms besides Windows.

I'm running on Linux so that could well be the problem. Thanks

Replace the clear_text() method with that and tell me if it works.

def clear_text(self, element) -> None:
        """Clear text from an input."""
        self.clickable(element)  # Click on the element then clear its text.
        control = Keys.COMMAND if == 'darwin' else Keys.CONTROL

Keys.COMMAND only works on MacOS. That's why the bot works on Windows (Keys.CONTROL) and MacOS but not on Linux because it tries to use a Mac key.

Apologies for the delay - that has fixed it. Thank You very much.