
Version 1.12.10 Bot Can not login to opensea

Tiikou opened this issue · 2 comments

Bot working good with Version 1.12.5 .
I updated bot to Version 1.12.10 and it connects to metamask but not to opensea just lopping this errors
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Here is the upload and sale json (just for first nft) (if I put 0.01 in price instead of [0.01, "ETH"] - not working too)
Без названия (70)

app/services/, quotes lines 65 to 67 like this:

def chrome(self) -> webdriver:
        """Start a Chrome webdriver and return its state."""
        options = webdriver.ChromeOptions()  # Configure options for Chrome.
        # Add wallet extension according to user choice.
        """if self.solver != 1 and self.wallet.recovery_phrase != '' and \
                self.wallet.password != '':  # Not manual solver.
            options.add_argument('--headless=chrome')  # Headless mode."""
        etc ...

And run the bot again, can you tell me what happens (you can record if needed)?

def chrome(self) -> webdriver:

The Chrome window pop up and bot logined to opensea all working good now , I added the """ marks