
The collection URL cannot contain spaces

Illusive-Girl opened this issue · 4 comments

Hello, sorry for broken English

I was try upload mp3 file with preview image and I get this response in terminal

NFT n°1/1:
Uploading NFT. Upload failed. The collection URL cannot contain spaces.
Uploading NFT. Upload failed. The collection URL cannot contain spaces.
Cannot save the metadata in a file.

Tested in Windows, Linux, Firefox, Chrome, MetaMask. In every metadata format with full URL and just collection name

What is the version of your tool?
On my side, it works perfectly.

Version 1.12.11 and 1.12.10, may be i not correctly write preview section in metadata?

Oh yes! Didn't see it.
So the file_path has both asset and preview.


"file_path": ["video/audio/3d-object", "preview"],


["video/audio/3d-object", "preview"];;


["video/audio/3d-object", "preview"]

thanks for the help, I tried to find in the documentation how to write this correctly and did not find it, but I found the wrong spelling in one of the old issues