
Request for Feature Addition: Simultaneous Rendering of Depth Maps with Optical Images and JSON Integration

Closed this issue · 1 comments

TaoF02 commented


I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to express my sincere appreciation for your remarkable work. Your project has been instrumental in my work, and I have found it incredibly helpful.

Given the immense value your project has already provided, I would like to kindly request the addition of a new feature. It would be immensely beneficial if you could incorporate the functionality to 【 render depth maps simultaneously with optical images and integrate them into the JSON file format 】, as required by projects such as DS-NeRF.

Thank you for your time and dedication to your project.

Hi @TaoF02, please excuse me for the late reply, and thank you for your kind words!

For now, I am not planning on adding any further functionalities to the plugin, but what you describe can be achieved directly within Blender. BlenderNeRF renders whatever is in the Blender compositor, you can therefore render an additional depth pass, and save the depth images separately in an arbitrary folder (checkout this pull request for details).

If you need both optical images and depth maps to be stored together into a single JSON file, a simple python script should be able to take care of that. Let me know if you run into any issues or if you have any further questions!
