Set a User-Agent HTTP header
maximilianvoss opened this issue · 0 comments
Follow up: maximilianvoss/musicsync#27
This is in no way an official an endorsement of this project by Boxine, but personally I think it's awesome!
This night, one user sent about 1-2 requests every second which modify a Tonie over and over with the same content without waiting for it to be done transcoding.
For privacy reasons, Boxine does not associate the HTTP user-agent with detailed logging data (we just group it into android app, iOS app, other for these logs), but based on the extremely high frequency I am certain the user-agent Apache-HttpClient/4.5.5 (Java/1.8.0_275) is responsible.
This project should set an HTTP-user agent like spotify-toniebox-sync (v1.2.3) so that Boxine can report the bugs to the project causing it. After all, somewhere there is likely a user wondering why their Tonie never finishes transcoding.