Does not build under Delphi 5
ValtsS opened this issue · 8 comments
Tried latest version:
FastMM4.pas(4813) Error: Inline assembler syntax error
FastMM4.pas(4815) Error: Inline assembler syntax error
FastMM4.pas(4818) Error: Inline assembler syntax error
FastMM4.pas(4921) Error: Inline assembler syntax error
FastMM4.pas(4922) Error: Inline assembler syntax error
FastMM4.pas(4923) Error: Inline assembler syntax error
FastMM4.pas(4924) Error: Inline assembler syntax error
FastMM4.pas(4926) Error: Inline assembler syntax error
FastMM4.pas(4927) Error: Inline assembler syntax error
FastMM4.pas(5000) Error: Inline assembler syntax error
FastMM4.pas(5001) Error: Inline assembler syntax error
FastMM4.pas(5003) Error: Inline assembler syntax error
FastMM4.pas(5004) Error: Inline assembler syntax error
FastMM4.pas(5007) Error: Inline assembler syntax error
FastMM4.pas(5008) Error: Inline assembler syntax error
FastMM4.pas(5165) Error: Inline assembler syntax error
FastMM4.pas(5166) Error: Inline assembler syntax error
FastMM4.pas(5167) Error: Inline assembler syntax error
FastMM4.pas(5168) Error: Inline assembler syntax error
FastMM4.pas(5169) Error: Inline assembler syntax error
FastMM4.pas(5170) Error: Inline assembler syntax error
FastMM4.pas(5172) Error: Inline assembler syntax error
FastMM4.pas(5173) Error: Inline assembler syntax error
FastMM4.pas(5174) Error: Inline assembler syntax error
FastMM4.pas(5257) Error: Inline assembler syntax error
And many more - it does not know how to assemble SSE instructions.
Thank you! Could you please check a commit that I made a minute ago that supposes to fix this problem? If it does, please close this issue if you can.
Better, but not fully, some more SSE lurking around, and an issue with PByte
Borland Delphi Version 13.0 Copyright (c) 1983,99 Inprise Corporation
FastMM4.pas(6365) Error: Inline assembler syntax error
FastMM4.pas(6366) Error: Inline assembler syntax error
FastMM4.pas(6367) Error: Inline assembler syntax error
FastMM4.pas(6368) Error: Inline assembler syntax error
FastMM4.pas(6373) Error: Inline assembler syntax error
FastMM4.pas(6374) Error: Inline assembler syntax error
FastMM4.pas(7278) Error: Incompatible types: 'Byte' and 'Char'
Project1.dpr(7) Fatal: Could not compile used unit 'FastMM4.pas'
Thank you! I have fixed the "Inline assembler syntax errors" I hope, but not the Byte and Char error. Could you please get a copy once again and retry, and post a new compiler output here?
Borland Delphi Version 13.0 Copyright (c) 1983,99 Inprise Corporation
FastMM4.pas(7282) Error: Incompatible types: 'Byte' and 'Char'
Project1.dpr(7) Fatal: Could not compile used unit 'FastMM4.pas'
at line 1729:
PByte = PAnsiChar;
at line 7282:
LClassInfoByte1 := PByte(LClassInfoPByte + 1)^;
Thank you! Please let me know whether it now works. If it won't compile, please try to fix in your code and send me the correct line.
LClassInfoByte1 := {$ifdef PByteIsPAnsiChar}Byte{$endif}(PByte(LClassInfoPByte + 1)^);
more like this.
Thank you! I have applied your line. Is it now OK?
Yes now it builds.