
Code to morph multiple genus zero shapes (Matlab)



Code for morphing multiple genus zero shapes with simple GUI for choosing feature points in corresponding shapes. Code is written in Matlab.

How to use the code

Main codes are under morph. Put the mesh files under mesh_files. Run and go through run_demo.m for an example on how to use the code. The main code is morph/morph_multi.m, which returns a face matrix F and various vertex matrix VS1, VS2, ... Create a morph by linearly interpolating the vertex matrices. Then you may export it to a standard mesh format. Here is a minimal example illustrating its usage:

n_feat = 9; % Number of feature points to match between models
filename1 = 'cow40k.ply';  % Filename of the first mesh file
filename2 = 'horse50k.ply';  % Filename of the second mesh file
[F,VS1,VS2] = morph_multi(n_feat,filename1,filename2);  % Call the morph function which returns the Face and various Vertex matrices
 V = 0.5 * VS1 + 0.5 * VS2;  % Create a 50-50 morph
 writeSTL('morphed_mesh.stl', V, F);  % Save the result to stl format (alternatively use writeOFF, writeOBJ, writePLY for other output formats)

Compile mex code in gptoolbox

In general, refer to alecjacobson/gptoolbox for instruction on compiling gptoolbox (which is included in a subdirectory in morph). The compilation guidelines apply to Mac/Linux computers. For Windows computers, refer to the getaround below.

Windows Users

Compile mex code

  1. In Matlab go into the folder gptoolbox/mex Then enter the following:
mex( ...
MEXOPTS{:}, ...
STDCPP11, ...
  1. If that doesn't work, it's probably because your computer does not have a SDK that contains a C compiler. In MATLAB, go to Home -> Environment -> Add-ons -> Search for "MinGW64" and then install the add-on. Then try (1) again.

  2. Move the generated ray_mesh_intersect.mexw64 to gptoolbox/mesh

Set path

In the demo code run_demo line 4, change system('pwd') to system('cd') in Windows.


We extensively utilize the gptoolbox package and we thank the original authors of the toolbox.