
iOS widget

Opened this issue · 1 comments

I'd love a faster way to capture notes through Voiceliner.

Right now it takes multiple clicks to create a new note:

  1. find and open the app
  2. select the outline to add to
  3. click button to start recording

I propose adding a widget to the left home screen on iOS so that you can access it in one step. It could look a lot like's widget.

I envision it would automatically append a note to whatever is the most recent outline, to save you the step of having to decide where the note goes. (Personally I don't even use the outline feature, so I just want to put all notes in the same place.)

HI Devon!! 🤩

  1. select the outline to add to

if you close the app while an outline's open, it should reopen that outline when you launch again. I do agree a widget would be nice, though.