
Back up to iCloud

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Hi all,

From, it stated You can back up to "Google Drive and iCloud"

I have an iphone 7 with iOS 15.7.1 (latest) and latest Voiceliner installed from app store.

I tried to figure out where I can backup to iCloud in the app setting but only see option to backup to Google Drive (see screenshot below)

Browsing with File app I can see "Voiceliner" folder in "on my iPhone" but not "iCloud Drive" location.

I wonder am I missing something?




Ah yeah I should put a note. Go to the Settings app > Voiceliner > Document Storage > select iCloud Drive. As you noticed, you should then be able to verify it being backed up by checking the Files app.

btw your research is super cool, you're asking the questions we all want to know!! curious if there are digital tooling gaps in exposomics, pollutants are an important issue to me and I'd like to make more open source contributions to biology software.


For your question: exposomics studies typically look at one or more classes of chemicals. Circular visualization of the relationships can be done with Circos or similar packages in R. However, these options take quite an amount of time to learn before getting a plot.

If you know web development, I think making the visualization accessible could be a great move.


That sounds like a great project, I'll get in touch if I get around to it. Thanks!