
a promises-based lib abstracting authentification for write actions on the Wikidata API

Primary LanguageJavaScript


⚠️ this project has been merged back into wikibase-edit (see issue). There will thus be no more developments in this repository.

A promises-based lib abstracting authentification for write requests on a Wikibase API.

See Wikidata API for API reference.

This package was primarily published as wikidata-token but has now being generalized to support any Wikibase instance: wikidata.org among others.

wikibase           wikidata


License Node JavaScript Style Guide


How To


npm install wikibase-token


with username / password

var config = {
  // Required
  instance: 'https://mywikibase.instance', // For Wikidata, that would be 'https://www.wikidata.org'
  username: 'myUsername',
  password: 'pa55word',
  // Optional
  verbose: true, // Default: false
  userAgent: `your-module/${pkg.version} (https://git.repo/username/your-module)` // Default: to 'wikibase-token/${pkg.version} (${pkg.repository.url})`
var wbToken = require('wikibase-token')
var getToken = wbToken(config)

getToken is then a function, which when called returns an ES6 promise that shoud resolve to something looking like:

  token: 'eb974a8adc9abacf7c9f3f94763ad92e51d76e57+\\',
  cookie: 'a very long cookie with your session data'

Your request header should then look like:

'cookie': cookie
'content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'

and the token should then be passed in the body of your request as form data (thus the x-www-form-urlencoded header) and NOT JSON (this one got me crazy and made me realize that there was a time JSON wasn't obvious..! poor elders of the Internet), in addition with the other field expected by the API action you're using: contrary to what the API documentation seem to indicate, for POST action, parameters are passed in the body and not in the url (out of action and format)

with OAuth

same as with username / password but your config object will look like:

var config = {
  // Required
  instance: 'https://mywikibase.instance', // For Wikidata, that would be 'https://www.wikidata.org'
  oauth: {
    // Obtained at registration
    // https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/OAuth/For_Developers#Registration
    consumer_key: 'your-consumer-token',
    consumer_secret: 'your-secret-token',
    // Obtained when the user authorized your service
    // see https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/OAuth/For_Developers#Authorization
    token: 'a-user-token',
    token_secret: 'a-secret-token'
  // Then the optional parameters are the same



To run the tests, make sure to create a config/local.js overriding config/default.js with the username and password of a Wikibase instance


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See Also

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