`lego.css` 基于原子类和 `Pure CSS` 两者的**设计,可以帮助更快更轻松的编写页面 CSS 样式,平滑解决项目中 CSS 难复用、难扩展、难维护的问题。
- Atomic: https://xmind.ai/share/fZ0Oh0KU
shortcut mean desc m margin ✓ m{y}|{x} margin ✓ m{t}|{x}|{b} margin ✓ m{t}|{r}|{b}|{l} margin ✓ p padding ✓ w width ✓ h height ✓ s width&height ✓ nw min-width ✓ nh min-height ✓ mw max-width ✓ mh max-height ✓ t top ✓ r right ✓ b bottom ✓ l left ✓ x left and right ✓ y top and bottom ✓ d- display ✓ p- position ✓ c color ✓ h:? ?:hover{...} ✓ h:(? ?) ...?:hover{...} ✓ a:? ?:active{...} ✓ a:(? ?) ...?:active{...} ✓ f:? ?:focus{...} ✓ f:(? ?) ...?:focus{...} ✓ ?! ?{...!important} ✓ -
- Normalize.css
- _variable
- _mixins
- _color
- _icon
- _typography
- _layout
- _button
- _from
- _table
- accordion
- breadcrumb
- card
- switch
- tab
- dialog
- flex
- flex-direction → fd-row|row-reverse|column|column-reverse
- flex-wrap → fw-nowrap|wrap|wrap-reverse
- flex-flow → ff[flex-direction flex-wrap]
- justify-content → jc-flex-start|flex-end|center|space-around|space-between|space-evenly
- align-items → ai-stretch|flex-start|flex-end|center|baseline
- align-content → ac-stretch|flex-start|flex-end|center|space-around|space-between
- order → o
- flex → flex[flex-grow flex-shrink flex-basis]
- align-self → as-auto|flex-start|flex-end|center|baseline|stretch
- grid
- [ ]
- color
- color → c
- background-color → bgc
- border-color → bc
- font/text
- font
- font-family → ff-k|h|s|fs
- font-style → fs-normal|italic|oblique|initial|inherit
- font-size → fs
- font-variant → fv-normal|small-caps|initial|inherit
- font-weight → fw
- direction → dir-ltr|rtl|initial|inherit
- unicode-bidi → normal|embed|bidi-override|initial|inherit
- line-height → lh
- letter-spacing → ls
- word-spacing → ws
- text-align → ta-left|right|center|justify|inherit
- text-decoration → td-text-decoration-line text-decoration-color text-decoration-style text-decoration-thickness|initial|inherit;
- text-indent → ti
- text-shadow → ts:
- text-transform → tr-none|capitalize|uppercase|lowercase|initial|inherit
- white-space → normal|nowrap|pre|pre-line|pre-wrap|initial|inherit
- justify-content → jc-
- word-break → wb-normal|break-all|keep-all
- word-wrap → ww-normal|break-word
- text-justify → tj-auto|inter-word|inter-ideograph|inter-cluster|distribute|kashida|trim
- text-overflow → clip|ellipsis|string
- writing-mode → wm-horizontal-tb|vertical-rl|vertical-lr
- user-select → auto|none|text|all
- box
- display → d-none|block|inline|inline-block|inherit
- box-sizing → bs-content-box|border-box
- width → w
- height → h
- min-width → nw
- min-height → nh
- max-width → mw
- max-height → mh
- padding → p
- margin → m
- border → bd:
- border-top → bdt:
- border-right → bdr:
- border-bottom → bdb:
- border-left → bdl:
- border-style → bds-none|hidden|dotted|dashed|solid|double|groove|ridge|inset|outset|initial|inherit
- border-width → bw
- outline → ol:
- animate
- animate
- transition
- keyframe
- element
- position → p-absolute|fixed|relative|static|sticky
- float → f-left|right|none|inherit
- cursor → c-default|auto|pointer|move|text|wait|help
- background
- background-attachment → ba-fixed|local|scroll
- background-size → bs-length|cover|contain
- background-position → bp-center|top|right|bottom|right
- background-repeat → br-repeat-y|repeat-x|no-repeat
- background-image → bgi(url)
- overflow → o-auto|hidden|scroll|visible
- overflow-x → ox-auto|hidden|scroll|visible
- overflow-y → oy-auto|hidden|scroll|visible
- opacity → o
- visibility → v-hidden|visible
- vertical-align → va-baseline|top|text-top|middle|bottom|text-bottom
- resize → r-none|both|horizontal|vertical
- z-index → zi
- list
- list-style → ls
- list-style-image → lsi()
- list-style-position → lsp-inside|outside
- list-style-type → lst-none|disc|circle|square
- marker-offset
- 伪类
- :active
- :any-link
- :checked
- 伪元素
- ::after
- ::before
- ::first-letter
- ::first-line
- ::marker
- ::placeholder
- ::selection
- flex
- HTML<link> + PurgeCSS
- npm/yarn + PurgeCSS
- UnoCSS + rules