
[FEATURE] Appsec and Stream/Live mode together.

loukaniko85 opened this issue · 2 comments

Is it possible to have both modes concurrently with this plugin?

Hi @loukaniko85,

Yes it is possible, you can enable streamMode and appsec with the following conf:

      # Choose stream mode
      - "traefik.http.middlewares.crowdsec.plugin.bouncer.crowdsecmode=stream"
      # Enable AppSec
      - "traefik.http.middlewares.crowdsec.plugin.bouncer.crowdsecappsecenabled=true"
      # Define AppSec host and port informations
      - "traefik.http.middlewares.crowdsec.plugin.bouncer.crowdsecappsechost=crowdsec:7422"

The crowdsecmode=appsec, only intend to use appsec blocking feature and not the log analysis/blocking feature that you get with live and stream mode.

Our example on appsec can give you some hints:

Thank you! I obviously missed this when the WAF feature was implemented.