
Issue with Callback Component

AnthonyCrowcroft opened this issue · 3 comments

I've recently switched over from making CORS calls to the Identity server we are running and now communicating via a proxy. It gets through successfully in the CallbackComponent but once it passes on from the callback page it hasnt finished setting the User into the store and the protected route bounces the user back out. Do you have any suggestions?

Did you ever resolve this issue? I'm currently having the same issue, that the callback is redirecting the user back to the protected route, but the protected route does not see the user yet and therefor bounces it back to the login screen. A second login attempt does always work though.

I did not get a sloution it was back burned as we had to move to modernising the CI/CD for a different application, hopefully we can look into this soon. My suspicion was that the issue is coming from the other side of the setup in our Identity Server.

I think my issue was unrelated. I had multiple instances of the UserManager, because I didn't know it contained 'state' (internal state, not Redux state). After I migrated to the UserManager as a singleton, everything started working. This wasn't really an 'issue' with redux-oidc, but with the oidc-client itself.