
Average lookup time for GeoIP2 vs Legacy

mmicco-godaddy opened this issue · 2 comments

Using the Database in memory, we are seeing an average IP lookup time of 25ms for GeoIP2 vs 11ms for Legacy geoIP (for the country database). Has there been any performance optimization done yet on this library; or any planned before release? We also would be willing to help in any way.

Both of those times seem extremely high. The database look-up time for the MaxMind DB format should be about 0.1 ms. The time you see with this API might be slightly slower as it has to deserialize to the model class, but it shouldn't take anywhere near 24.9 ms to do that.

Are you opening the database every time you read from it?

Totally agree. I was looking at timings that included our serialization/deserialization overhead. I will get back to the raw numbers on my other performance tests, where I did see fractional differences in the old vs. the new, but both were still sub millisecond. Sorry for any confusion caused.