

NeQuissimus opened this issue · 4 comments

Is there a document or some logic I can read about which tells me about nullability of fields?
Do I have to assume that every field can potentially be null?

You are targeting Java 7, so Optional is not available. Is there a way the API could signal nullability?

This API returns empty model classes even if there is no corresponding object in the database record. However, all of the individual reference-type fields within a particular model may not be present and their corresponding getters will return null if this is the case.

Right, so I will always receive an InsightsResponse, for example, but from then on out, every field could potentially be null?!

Any of our internal model classes will not be null, e.g., on InsightsResponse, getTraits() will return a non-null com.maxmind.geoip2.record.Traits, but on Traits, getConnectionType() may return null instead of a String.

Thanks for the clarification.