
JSON encode

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Is there an easy way to get a JSON representation of all the data that comes back from the server? I'd like to store it in a database for reference and manipulation at a later date.

I feel like the raw post response could just be allowed for export or implementing something like this:

Implementing JsonSerializable sounds good. I commented on your commit. If you could add a test too, that'd be great.

I have never used PHPUnit, nor do I currently have the time to play around with it. I feel that this should be the test case, but have no way of checking if it's valid:

    'Raw Response contains the correct data'
    'Score encodes to json properly'

@oschwald here is the updated version: a031c6f

Like I said I have never used PHPUnit, not do I have a way to make sure the tests pass. Based on quick look I believe these would be the proper test cases. If you want me to add them to my branch before creating a PR let me know. Otherwise I will just create a PR with the code changes and you can add the tests on your own.

I can add the following test cases:

    'Raw Response contains the correct data'
    'Score encodes to json properly'

P.S. Sorry about not being able to run the test cases.
P.S.S. If you can send me the proper command to run the test cases after installing via composer I can run the test cases myself, but in a quick attempt I kept getting 'Project dependencies missing'.

That seems reasonable. Could you make a pull request for it?

To run PHPUnit, first run composer update from the checkout and then ./vendor/bin/phpunit. Your test cases look reasonable to me.