
How to I get the address of the thermostat on macOS

patricks opened this issue · 6 comments


I have setup the homebridge plugin, but I don't know how to get the address of the thermostat? Is there any macOS/iOS tool to figure this out?

Btw. I have homebridge running on a macOS machine.

on macOS you can open System Preferences -> Bluetooth and there you should see device with name CC-RTE-BLE.
Right click on the device will show you your device's MAC address:
screenshot 2016-11-23 00 06 50

It look like its been removed with macOS Sierra. Also a alt-click doesn't show the address.

screen shot 2016-11-23 at 06 12 08

can you try to pair to the device first (through the same menu)?

I was not able to connect to the thermostat, but I use a machine with El Captain, there I could figure out the address.

I couldn't find a comfortable way. But I'll write a small Node.js script for this.

Here's a simple script, to get the device information:

/* usage:
npm install eq3ble
node thisfile.js */

var EQ3BLE = require('eq3ble').default; (device) { console.log(device) });