
itunes:explicit should be optional with values 'true' or 'false' , not compulsory with 'Yes' or 'No'

Closed this issue · 5 comments

Currently this library accepts a boolean for itunesExplicit, and casts this to "Yes" or "No", defaulting to "No" if no value is set.

According to the Apple docs the values should be 'true' or 'false':

We should also be able to not publish this tag, indicating that the content is not rated.

@tripper54 is fixed in master but currently not yet published on npm

Is there anything we could assist with to create a new release?

@JumpLink you should have access for publish new versions on npm. Do you need some help with that?

@maxnowack Thank you, I think I do not need help with that, I contact you if I need help. But I will make some changes to the code before I publish a new version.

@maxnowack @connorjclark New release is published