
Item itunesImage

Closed this issue · 5 comments

Setting itunesImage on the items doesn't seem to work. Beyond pod doesn't get the podcast images.
The channel image works perfectly

It works for me with Instacast. Maybe Beyond Pod doesn't support item images? I don't have an android device, so I can't test it.
Have you checked the generated feed xml, if there is an error?
I don't think there is an issue with this package...

You're probably right, I started tinkling with the source code to add more tags (<image> and so on) and namespaces but nothing worked (I was using the rss module before and I switched to yours because of this). Other podcasts display the item images in Beyondpod so I don't know what I am doing wrong.

Feed doesn't have any errors as far as I can tell.
Would you be so kind and see if this feed shows images in Instacast?

Thanks a bunch!

The feed shows images in Instacast:

ok, thank you very much (for both the help and the module!), then it is a beyondpod bug.

You're welcome!