
conflicts with node-ids

Closed this issue · 5 comments

when i open gd is crashes. at random I found out that this is to blame node-ids

not true, its another mod or something else. try deleting your settings

i too started crashing at launch after installing node ids, I've deleted the game deleted and reinstalled geode, deleted all files from gd and repaired them on steam and it still crashes on launch. i have a crash report screenshotted if that would help

when i open gd is crashes. at random I found out that this is to blame node-ids

I figured it out go to browse local game files from steam and find the geode folder from there go to the mods folder and delete node ids, once you delete node ids you can now launch the game however you aren't done go to geode tab on gd and uninstall gd mega overlay and reinstall it, this will fix whatever issue was going on however it will delete anything saved in your gd mega overlay menu meaning you lose all recorded maps and previous setting applied, i honestly don't know what caused the issue i just thought id post a fix

when i open gd is crashes. at random I found out that this is to blame node-ids

I figured it out go to browse local game files from steam and find the geode folder from there go to the mods folder and delete node ids, once you delete node ids you can now launch the game however you aren't done go to geode tab on gd and uninstall gd mega overlay and reinstall it, this will fix whatever issue was going on however it will delete anything saved in your gd mega overlay menu meaning you lose all recorded maps and previous setting applied, i honestly don't know what caused the issue i just thought id post a fix

Thx you VoidOteos

cant replicate, seems like an issue with node ids