Expose dark-mode version of cv as alternate download
Closed this issue · 2 comments
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At first I was thinking about an on hover effect that would pop out the dark mode version as an alternate download choice. However, this might not be the best option for touch-based devices.
The best option would probably be to show a solid vs classic version of the fontawesome file-pdf icon. However, in fa 4.7 which is the current version of thehttps://github.com/nrandecker/particle template I am using, there is only one version available (https://fontawesome.com/v4/icon/file-pdf-o). I'll need to test if I can easily upgrade that library to fa-v6 https://www.npmjs.com/package/@fortawesome/fontawesome-free?activeTab=code firsthand before proceeding with that option:
- https://fontawesome.com/icons/file-pdf?f=classic&s=solid
- https://fontawesome.com/icons/file-pdf?f=classic&s=regular
Forked particle as https://github.com/maxpowis/particle now upgraded to fontawesome 6
Tested and validated