Before I start, I want to make it very clear that I didn't make this. @endermanch made it! Check out his youtube if you like techy things!
This is the source code that is shown in @endermanch's video where he creates a custom protocol with little change. You might be wondering, "Why did you copy down his code and release it on GitHub?". The answer is: I had nothing better to do and I might as well upload it if anyone else needed it (which I doubt).
To set up the protocol, follow these steps:
- Open the Registry Editor.
- Then, create a new key in Computer\HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT named anything you want. In this case I'll call it 'cmd'.
- In the new key you created, create a new string called URL_Protocol.
- Change the value of (default) to 'URL:cmd Protocol'.
- In the key you created, mine's 'cmd', create another key named 'shell'.
- In 'shell', create another key called 'open'.
- In 'open', create another key called 'command'.
- Before the next step, make sure you have downloaded or compiled the "CommandParser.exe" file and moved it to a safe place. In my case, I moved it to the C drive.
- Finally, change (default) to '"{location}" "%1"'. Mine would look like: '"C:\CommandParser.exe" "%1"'.
Congratulations! You've just created a protocol that runs the custom parser!
To compile the source code, run the following command in your terminal: