
Learning Python Dash

Primary LanguagePython

Read me to come...

Started repo on PC with a .gitignore file, readme.MD and created a Visual Code workspace in folder "HomePC.code-workspace" which should be ignored from .gitignore. Then ran

$ git init $ git add . $ git commit -m "First commit" $ git remote add origin https://github.com/maxrottersman/MaxDashProject.git

Tested with $ git remote -v

$ git push origin master but came back with errors. "Fatal: HttpRequestException encountered. " However repo seems okay on github

Now testing VC git synch with the text added above...worked (commit 3)

Trying Virtualenv

python -m venv .venv

then added .venv/* to .gitignore

in case I have to do manually, something like source venv/bin/activate deactivate

pip install dash

Test install import dash_core_components print(dash_core_components.version)

REQUIREMENTS dash pandas xlrd pathlib sqlalchemy plotly