
Pitch Conversion/Length error?

Blackened15 opened this issue · 3 comments

I am unsure if this is a conversion error, or RB4's engine being more finicky than RB3's and/or the author not following a guideline. I have gathered 3 example that crash on PS4, but work fine on PS3 from the C3 Custom library.

In LibForge the conversion go without error on 2 of them, and throws an error on 1 of them, which I bypassed with a try/catch but this is most likely unrelated, as other songs where I bypassed the same error work fine, and the tick position related to the error is much earlier in the song. (Just included this in case someone wants to try the same song, but gets an conversion error)

I get in-game crash on some converted songs, only when vocals are present (wont crash when guitar only, will crash on Vox + Guitar or Vox alone). The song will keep playing, but visual stop updating and button press dont do anything (other than PS button to close the game).

In the 3 case, the vocal pitch line seems to double back on itself for a small bit, which doesn't happen on the same song in RB3.

For all pictures, on the PS4 side, the game is crashed. On the PS3 side, the song is paused at the same place where the PS4 crash.

Song 1, this is the most obvious one. I only had suspicion before this, but that one is so blatant.
Natural Born Killer - Avenged Sevenfold

NBK ps4 crash

NBK ps3 1

Song 2
Not Ready to Die - Avenged Sevenfold

Not Ready to die crash

Not Ready to die ps3

Song 3 - This one is the one I bypassed the crash in the conversion process, but the midi tick that cause the crash was at 87 second, while the crash happens near the end of the song.
Trashed and Scattered - Avenged Sevenfold

Trashed and ps4 crash

Trashed and ps3

I just checked the first one, and that song was authored incorrectly. The vocal events are happening on multiple channels, so the converter can't convert them properly. I don't know if I want to support this sort of invalid midi. Try fixing that and re-converting. if it still doesn't work then there is some other problem.

Never authored a song, or used reaper for that matter. Lets just say that my first attempt at merging (imploding in reaper) all 4 solo vox track together, all Harm1 together, all Harm2 together, all Harm3 together, gluing (whatever that does) and exporting resulted in a song that converted, but crashed at the beginning of the song (RB4 midi load or RB4 midi parse I guess)

Seems you were right, in the least, it's not a problem with the conversion. Just importing the midi in reaper, choosing "import multichannel item on a single track" (why would someone use 4 midi track for 1 vocal, 4 for HARM1, 3 for HARM2 and 2 for HARM 3?) fixed the crash, the first song will play fine.

The visual backtracking of the line remains in game but doesn't crash, but looking at the midi in ForgeTool reveals that the converted package is fine (pictures below). Seems RB4's engine doesn't handle gapless 1/64th of a beat tone shift as gracefully as RB3's.

Redid the process with another trouble song (the 2nd), and the crash still happens so now I am confused, but will keep on trying to figure it out.

Sorry to have bothered you with this, you can close this as it is not an issue with ForgeTool unless you think there is something else to be added.

From ForgeTool's midi analyzer:

In game:

Edit: Song 2 fixed by adding 128th gap between the tone shift in the problematic spot, no clue if the merging of the tracks had any effects.